Chair massage includes many of the same techniques as table massage except that they are done in a chair with the client fully clothed, and the stroking and kneading is done without oil. The client leans forward in a chair that has a knee, arm, chest, and headrest and the therapist usually concentrates the massage in the area of the head, neck, shoulders, back and arms.

Research from the Touch Research Institute suggests that following a 15-minute chair massage, brain waves are changed in the direction of heightened alertness and clients can perform math computations in half the time with half the errors. These data, published in the International Journal of Neuroscience, have been used to support the practice of chair massage in shopping centers, airports, corporate offices, and art shows.'s ON SITE stress management is comprised of a team of licensed and experienced massage therapists specifically trained in chair massage.

In as little as 5 minutes, your employees can return to work refreshed and ready to continue his/her duties with renewed vigor and clearer concentration.

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